woensdag 21 april 2010

Mondial du Vent!

Mondial du Vent!

Finally the first big freestyle event of 2010, the EFPT (European Freestyle Pro Tour)
The first event was in Leucate, La Franqui. I and went to leucate with Pim van der Borgt and his parents to first train a few days and then participate in the european championships freestyle.

The first few days we had no wind and we chilled on the beach and I had time to shoot some shot for my first instructional video clip.

the event:
The event was pretty big and very busy. Around 2000 visitors per day visited the event.
Unfortunately the first 2 days of the event there was nog enough wind to start the heats. so everyone chilled at the beach and we went tow in windsurfing. really fun to do!!

At the last event day there was finally wind! Not bizarre much, but enough for 5.3 to plane.
The first round of the 1st elimination I got true the first round by beating Antony Ruenes. The next round, I was defeated by a very strong surfing Thomas Traversa.

In the double elaminatie I got a 2nd chance to work me up the elimination latter.
here I was able to work myself up a view rounds. after a view rounds I was up against Davy Scheffers. Unfortunately after 2 minutes the wind dropped and didn't came back. Fortunately, they count the double elaminatie too.

I finished at a very nice 9 th place!!

so up next the dutch championships: king of the dam!